Characteristics of the movie theatre

The movie theater would be a five-story megaplex that contains 25 screens and has an area of 20,000 square meters.The movie theater be located along the edges of the community around 1 kilometer from the community super market. The movie theater would be constructed out of local granite and limestone with minimal uses of concrete and would resemble buildings built in the Beaux-Arts style of architecture, which was extremely popular during the 19th century. Despite its antique design, the theater would utilize high-resolution plasma screens to broadcast movies in both IMAX and 3D; making it, according to the construction company, a perfect fusion of beautiful antique architecture and modern technology.

Services provided at the movie theatre

The movie theater would have a housing capacity of 1000 people and would be able to broadcast movies both new and old. Due to the advanced plasma screens used in the movie theater, the movies could be viewed regularly, in 3D, or through IMAX. One movie that everyone is hyped up to see is The Invisible Man which is considered by many critics to be the best horror movie of this year. There are also a many cafes and restaurants that provide a variety of tasty snacks at the movie theater.

The rules at movie theatre

There are an increased number of rules in the movie theater due to the pandemic in order to prevent people from getting sick en masse in the movie theater. The first rule is that appropriate physical distancing must be maintained at all times between patrons, except members of the same household or those that attend together. The second rules is that all employees must wear a face covering or mask. Patrons must wear a face covering at all times, except as noted by the CDC and herein. Those who are unwilling to wear a face covering will be denied entry. Finally, the third rule is the all HVAC systems should be in working order with increased ventilation whenever possible.


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